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Severe periodontal infection, also known as advanced periodontitis, is a form of gum disease that affects the gums, bones, and other supporting structures of the teeth. It is characterized by the formation of deep pockets between the teeth and gums, and can lead to the loss of teeth if left untreated.


Severe periodontal infection is caused by the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth, and is often the result of inadequate oral hygiene or other risk factors, such as tobacco use, diabetes, and certain medications. It can also be a consequence of untreated gingivitis, a milder form of gum disease that affects the gums.

Symptoms of severe periodontal infection may include red, swollen, and bleeding gums; bad breath; and the formation of deep pockets between the teeth and gums. The teeth may also appear to be longer or mobile, and may shift or move when biting down.

Treatment for severe periodontal infection typically involves a combination of professional cleanings, medication, and at-home oral hygiene measures. The goal of treatment is to reduce the inflammation and infection, and to prevent the condition from worsening and leading to the loss of teeth.

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